Monday, January 3, 2011

Week 19: Jan 4th - Jan 7th

Photosynthesis - Chapter 10

Jan 4th: Start Photosynthesis Notes, Homework: Concept Check 10.1 (pg. 189) Questions 1 & 2

Jan 5th: BioFlix Study Sheet for Photosynthesis, LabBench: Photosynthesis, Pre-Lab Part I AP Lab 4, HW: Read pages 190-198 before Fridays Class

Jan 6th: Complete AP Lab 4 Part I, Demo and Discuss Data for Part II, Lab Report Due Monday

Jan 7th: Photosynthesis Notes Continued, Complete in Class Concept Check 10.2 (pg. 198) Q 1-3, HW: Read Sections 10.3 & 10.4 (pgs. 198 - 202) and complete Concept Check 10.3 Q 1-3 & CC 10.4 Q 1-3

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