Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 25: Feb 22 - Feb 25

Feb 22 - Finish Meiosis Diagram, Mitosis vs. Meiosis Diagram, HW: Finish Mitosis vs. Meiosis Diagram (use above pic or pg 256).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 24: Feb 14 - Feb 18

Feb 14: Review for Quiz, HW: Study for Quiz

Feb 15: Mitosis Quiz, CU Succeed Registration  HW: Read pg 248 - 249, CC 13.1 Q 1 - 3

Feb 16: Intro Meiosis Notes, Meiosis Video, Comparing Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction, HW: Read 250 - 253, CC 13.2 Q 1- 4

Feb 17: Finish Comparing Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction, Drawing Meiosis HW: Read 253 - 260, CC 13.3 Q 1 & 2, CC 13.4 Q 1 - 3

Feb 18: Comparing Mitosis vs. Meiosis, Genetic Variation, Writing Activity: Origins of Genetic Variation, HW: Pre-Lab, Read CH 13 Review pg 260 - 261, Self Quiz Q 1 - 11 (for multiple choice write out question and correct answer, for essay question restate the question in the answer)

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7th - February 10th

Feb 7th - Lecture (Entire CH 12 Lecture)

Feb 8th - Finish Lecture, Mitosis Handout, HW: Read pg 238 - 243 CC 12.3 Q 1-5

Feb 9th - Checkpoints: Quality Control of the Cell Cycle, Investigation: How Much Time Do Cells Spend in Each Phase of Mitosis?, Mitosis Activities/Practice, HW: Read through the end of the Chapter Key Concepts and Complete the Self Quiz Q 1-10

Feb 10th - Review Guide and Review, HW: Study for Quiz Monday